Does Emma Watson Do Her Own Singing In Beauty And The Beast

Ever since disney cast emma watson as belle in its beauty and the beast remake prospective viewers have obsessed over one simple question can emma watson actually sing we know

The short answer is yes that really is emma watson singing the actress opened up about the terrifying experience during a print interview with total film i sing so that 39 s really unexpected


Unlike other disney stars like zac efron that starred in musical movies without actually singing emma waston did sing in the beauty and the beast live action remake but tuning in

Listen: The First Clip Of Emma Watson Singing In 'beauty And The Beast' Will Give...

Disney s new live action beauty and the beast is one of the hotly anticipated films of the year and one of the reasons is that it ll be the first time that actress emma watson has had to sing as part of a role this week a clip of emma singing belle was released

We 39 ll never know watson may have felt singing on film for the first time was an intimidating undertaking but fans will be able to check out beauty and the beast on march 17 and judge for

Yes but not exclusively on watson this is a major hollywood picture so you can bet they used some amount of autotune on everyone watson might not be headed to broadway any time soon but

Miles Teller And Emma Watson Join Long List Of Alternate Hollywood Casts

Exclusive 39 beauty and the beast 39 trailer premieres on 39 gma 39 emma watson sings as belle in a 39 beauty and the beast 39 first listen in the film watson did her own dancing and singing which was

For those who have been worried about watson 39 s singing hopefully this will put some of those fears to rest as she seems to be doing a fairly good job at holding her own in one of the film 39 s more iconic songs

Emma watson 39 s latest role is as belle in beauty in the beast a musical and the first snippet of one of her songs just hit the internet

When Beauty Meets Badass

It is now clear that emma watson is the belle from beauty and the beast that we have been waiting for on friday disney released an exclusive first listen to watson singing something there from


Want to hear emma watson sing as belle in 39 beauty and beast 39 emma watson is starring disney s latest live action adaptation beauty and the beast one of the biggest questions fans have

By brianna wiest march 17 2017 gary gershoff emma watson is obviously a multi talented actress but when it came to taking on an iconic singing role for beauty and the beast emma was

Listen To Emma Watson Sing From Beauty And The Beast

Following the viral spread of the singing doll disney posted an actual real life clip of actual real life emma as belle on their facebook page and goodness can she sing here 39 s the clip

Cnn emma watson didn t have to spend much time learning the music for her upcoming role in beauty and the beast because she grew up singing songs from the disney animated classic


In a new interview for total film magazine via the telegraph the 24 year old admitted that her upcoming beauty and the beast role is proving to be a terrifying challenge for her

Is Emma Watson Really Singing In Beauty And The Beast?

Emma watson debuts her dazzling singing voice for beauty and the beast by sara barnes on january 3 2017 when it comes to the live action version of beauty and the beast loyal fans of the beloved animated film are anxiously anticipating its release how will it stack up to its 1991 animated predecessor

A tale as old as time emma watson is slightly terrified to sing in beauty and the beast by julie miller march 12 2015 courtesy of patrick mcmullan there s a certain amount of

Emma watson singing belle beauty and the beat full scene 2017 promotional scene for beauty and the beast in theaters next month tickets available now


Beauty And The Beast 2017: Emma Watson Explains

441k subscribers subscribe 63k 4 5m views 5 years ago watch a clip of emma watson singing belle aka bonjour in disney 39 s beauty and the beast 2017 which also stars dan stevens luke

Disney has released a brief clip of watson singing the song something there which comes in the middle of the story as belle starts to slowly fall for beast dan stevens once you get over

Following the viral spread of the singing doll disney posted an actual real life clip of actual real life emma as belle on their facebook page and goodness can she sing here 39 s the clip

Emma Watson Reportedly Broke Up With Glee's Chord Overstreet

By brianna wiest december 30 2016 courtesy of youtube as the countdown days whittle down before the premiere of the live action beauty and the beast remake starring emma watson the previews