Emma Watson Beauty And The Beast Ending

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Disney's live-action Beauty and the Beast is currently in theaters. Whilethe overall story stays faithful to the animated film, it takessome liberties in expanding the original story and alters a few big scenes.


One of those changes comes near the end of the film when the Beasttransforms back into thePrince. While the Beast and his servants still transformback into their former human selves, the entire process is abit different from what fans of the 1991 animated featuremay remember.

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In the animatedmovie, Belle proclaims her love for the Beast as the final rose petal falls from the flower. In the revamped live-action film, Belle doesn't tell the Beast her feelings until well after the petal falls. As a result, thesubtle time change of the rose petal fallingaffects how the two moviesplay out. The change in the new film takes away a bit from the magic of the original.

As a refresher, we've broken down how the transformation happens in the animated movie and the revamped way you'll see it in the new movie.

In the original movie, the spell cast upon the castle dictatesthat the Beast must find love and have that love returned before the last petal on the rose falls on his 21st birthday. If he doesn't, he and his servants will live out the rest of their daysas enchanted characters.

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After Gaston falls to his death, Belle pulls a wounded Beast up onto the balcony and lays him out. He tells Belle he's glad he got to see her one last time before dying. A grieving Belle asks the Beast to not leave her before whispering that she loves him as the final petal falls from the enchanted rose.

Lumiere, Mrs. Potts, and Cogsworth look glum as they believetheir fates have been sealed. Then, there's magic rain and the Beast gets healed and transforms back into the Prince.

When he approaches Belle, the Prince says, Belle, it's me. After she realizes the man before heris indeed the Beast, they kiss and the enchantment over the castle and the servants is broken. Everything becomesimmediately as it once was and we see the servant trio as their human selves for the first time as they're embraced by the Prince.

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The Prince before he's transformed into the Beast at the film's start. The woman in the background reveals herself to be a beautiful enchantress. Disney

The enchantment left on the castle has a darker spin. The Beast still needs to find love in the new film, but this time around, there's no set date by whichhe must find his lady love. While the Beast will remain a creature after the final petal falls, the stakes are higher for his servants — we learn early in the movie Mrs. Potts, Lumiere, Cogsworth, and the rest of the servants will become fully inanimate objects.

When the Beast is injured this time — by three bullets, not arrows and a knife — he dies and we see the last petal fall from the rose before Belle gets to say a word. At this point, it appears as if this is it! The curse is final.


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Instead of staying with Belle and the Beast to see her say those three little words that everyone is waiting to hear, the film takes a giant pause to cutto the main entrance of the castle where Mrs. Potts, Lumiere, and Cogsworth have just finished defending their home from the townsfolk.

One by one, we slowly see each of the servants become rigid, inanimate antiques, and presumably die. The most difficult of these to watch is Chip, the young boy trapped inside a teacup. He's desperately searching for his mother Mrs. Potts, who has already turned. Right as he's about to turn, he dives in the air and nearly shatters into pieces before being caught by the handy coat stand.

Only after they're transformed does the scene head back to Belle on the balcony where she finally proclaims her love for the Beast. Since the rose has already wilted away, there is no magic rain that starts breakingthe spell. Instead, we see the Enchantress who cast the spell upon the castle in the film's beginning pop back up. When she sees the Prince has foundlove, she takes it upon herself to revive and transform him back into a man as well asreleasethe rest of the castle and its inhabitants from her spell. She thenquickly disappears.

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While fans may appreciate seeing what could have happened to the Beast's servants if the spell wasn't broken in time, cutting away from Belle and the Beast at a crucial moment steals from the emotional impactof Belle telling the Beast she loves him and his transformation back into the Prince.

After you're donetearing up overChip nearly shattering into pieces, you're pulled back to this moment between Belle and the Beast that's supposed to deserve an equal amount of your emotional interestbut at this point, you're basically just waiting for Emma Watson's Belle to tell the Beast she loves him already so the spell can be broken.


And even then itstill isn't centered around Belle and the Beastbecause the film bizarrely insertsthe Enchantress into the scene. She pops up tosecretively watch in the background — she neithermakes herself known to nor attracts the attention of Belle, despite looming in her presence merefeet away. She waits until Belle whispers I love youto the Beast so she canstep in anddo her part toconvenientlyreverse the spell.

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When the transformation finally happens, the entire sequence is awkward. The Enchantress remainshiddenthe entire time. When it seems like she may impart some wisdom or knowledge upon the Beast and Belle, she just faintly smiles and leaves.It's odd and kind of creepy. She goes as mysteriously as she came at the film's start and appears to only be there to revive the Beast, turn him back into a man, and transformhis servants back into their former selves, who may or may not have died when they became inanimate objects.

After the Enchantress departs, the Prince and Belleare awkwardly just standing there, staring at each other, and not speaking until they kiss and embrace. The film forgoes including the Prince's iconic line, Belle, it's me, assuring a hesitant Belle that the man before her is the Beast she grew to love despite his outward appearance.

It's a puzzling creative choice. If you've seen the original it feels like something ismissing as the Prince and Belle just stare at each other.

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The scene also loses a little of its magic since it's not a huge surprise how the Beast will look at the film's end. Unlike the animated film, we'reintroduced to the Prince at the film's start. Though his face is slightly disguised by somemakeup, we get the overall gist of his appearance.Disney previously spoiledhow the Beast would look as a Prince back in a teaser poster in January.


Unless you've been living under a rock, it's been difficult to avoid Disney's marketing which shows off the Prince in posters and teasers. Disney

The overall pacing of the transformation feels as if Disneytried to stuff too much in at the end when it shouldhave been strictly aboutBelle and the Beast. By including an interlude with the servants and the Enchantress, the scene becomes less intimateand loses a lot of the romance and sentimentin the original animated classic.

Beauty And The Beast' Ending Is Different From Animated Movie

Beauty and the Beast is currently in theaters. Regardless of your feelings about the new ending, Disney's live-action adaptation is going to make a lotof money opening weekend. If you've seen the movie and are pining for the original transformation scene, youcan relive your childhood below.