Emma Watson Main Film Apa Saja

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Summary: Set in 1990s Minnesota, Regression follows Detective Bruce Kenner (Ethan Hawke) and psychologist Kenneth Raines (David Thewlis) as they work to uncover a horrifying crime centered on Angela Gray (Watson) and her father John (David Dencik).


Reviews for Regression were largely negative despite a top-notch cast. Some critics cited the scattershot plot and superficial characters as the major downfalls.

Cara Emma Watson Menyampaikan Nilai Feminisme Lewat Karakter Film Yang Ia Perankan

Well-intended seriousness dismantles 'Regression, ' a not-exactly-horror horror movie that's also a mystery with no mystery, wrote Robert Abele for the Los Angeles Times.

Summary: Based on the novel by Dave Eggers, The Circle follows Mae (Watson), who begins working under the supervision of tech magnate Eamon Bailey (Tom Hanks). His groundbreaking technology forces her to choose between personal freedom and contributing to a revolutionary experiment.

Critics were underwhelmed by The Circle, which was built on an intriguing premise but failed to follow through with an engaging plot.

Biodata Lengkap Emma Watson Pemeran Hermione Di Harry Potter Hingga Beberapa Film Diperankannya

As a satire, 'The Circle' might have been worth a few giggles, but as a deadly serious drama, it's laughable in an entirely different way, David Sims wrote for The Atlantic.

Summary: Based on a true story, Colonia follows Lena's (Watson) race to save her boyfriend Daniel (Daniel Brühl) after she suspects that he has been abducted by the infamous cult, Colonia Dignidad, which was led by a former Nazi.

Although many praised the acting talents of Brühl and Watson, some critics couldn't look past the nature of the film itself, which often came across as insincere.

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Watson and Brühl give it their best, and [Michael] Nyqvist makes a powerful villain, but 'Colonia' winds up being a movie that wants to get its way on too many levels, and winds up not satisfying on most of them, Glenn Kenney wrote for RogerEbert.com.

Summary: In the animated adventure The Tale of Despereaux, a small but brave mouse named Despereaux (voiced by Matthew Broderick) befriends the lonely Princess Pea (voiced by Watson). When Pea is kidnapped, Despereaux leaps into action.

It's like 'Ratatouille' meets 'Upstairs Downstairs' to go sort of cross-generational but it didn't really work on any level, Ben Mankiewicz wrote for At The Movies.

Emma Watson Could Star In

Summary: Based on a true story, The Bling Ring follows a group of Hollywood teenagers who break into celebrity's houses and steal their possessions. Driven by greed, the group spirals out of control until rebellious Nicki (Watson) is caught red-handed.

Although at times the film seemed as vapid as the people it portrayed, critics praised the sharpness of Sofia Coppola's script and the beauty of the film's cinematography.

This is a funny, snarky, bang-on portrayal of the freakiness of celeb obsession, Cath Clarke wrote for Time Out. The story would sound outrageous — if it wasn't true.

Kabar Terbaru Film Little Women Yang Dibintangi Emma Watson

Summary: In the live-action adaptation of Beauty and the Beast, Belle (Watson) confronts a monstrous Beast (Dan Stevens) after he captures her father and begs to take his place. Held captive in a castle filled with enchanted objects, Belle begins to befriend the Beast and see him for the man he once was.

A few critics felt like the film relied too heavily on computer-generated effects, but most were charmed by the ensemble cast led by Watson.

The sheer dexterity is overwhelming, and only the sternest viewer will be able to resist the onslaught of such thoroughly marketed magic, Anthony Lane wrote for The New Yorker.


Film Terbaik Emma Watson Yang Harus Kamu Tonton

Summary: In Noah, a father (Russell Crowe) protects his wife Naameh (Jennifer Connelly), their adopted daughter Ila (Watson), and their three sons (Logan Lerman, Douglas Booth, and Leo McHugh Carroll) from a devastating global flood by building a massive ark.

Although some critics were exhausted by the plotting, most were impressed by director Darren Aronofsky's ability to cover a lot of biblical ground within a short period of time.

For all the high-tech showmanship on display, this retelling of Noah and the Ark marks a serious effort to engage with the Old Testament as a literary text, wrote Ben Sachs for the Chicago Reader.

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Summary: In the seventh installment of the Harry Potter film franchise based on the books by J.K. Rowling, Harry (Daniel Radcliffe), Hermione (Watson), and Ron (Rupert Grint) leave Hogwarts behind as they search for a way to destroy Lord Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes).

Critics applauded the central cast and the film's quieter moments, even if it felt more like a precursor than a stand-alone story.

Maturing performances are a bonus, but the show's the thing, and by now it seems much richer than any theme park that could ever be made from it, David Elliott wrote for the San Diego Reader.

Gaya Emma Watson Di Atas Red Carpet Dari Waktu Ke Waktu

Summary: In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry (Radcliffe) enters his fifth year at Hogwarts and is tortured by visions of Lord Voldemort's (Fiennes) return. With Hermione (Watson) and Ron (Grint) at his side, the trio combats rumors from the Ministry of Magic and their new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher Dolores Umbridge (Imelda Staunton).

Though the film lagged in places, critics admired the maturing cast and the innovative work of director David Yates, who would go on to direct the four remaining Harry Potter films.


We do get terrific work from the all-star British cast, and the special effects are as seamless as ever, Richard Roeper wrote for Ebert & Roeper.

Kiat Investasi Diri Ala Emma Watson Yang Membuatnya Sukses Di Usia Muda

Summary: In the first Harry Potter installment, young Harry (Radcliffe) is invited to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where he learns magic and befriends Hermione (Watson) and Ron (Grint).Siapa yang tak kenal dengan pemeran Hermione di film legendaris Harry Potter ini? Yups, dialah Emma Watson, Emma yang merupakan seorang aktris multitalented ternyata film-film yang dibintanginya banyak juga lho.

Nah, di bawah ini selain Harry Potter ada 10 film yang pernah dibintangi oleh aktris kelahiran Paris 15 April 1990 ini, disimak yuk!

Film ini bercerita tentang tiga orang gadis yang diadopsi oleh Matthew dan sepupunya bernama Sylvia Brown. Mereka hidup dalam keadaan miskin, suatu ketika karena ketiadaan uang rumah yang mereka tinggali disewakan kepada empat orang yang merupakan seorang ahli dalam ilmu dan pendidikan.

Emma Watson Tidak Terlalu Senang Jadi Aktris

Film ini bercerita tentang seorang pria bernama Colin yang bekerja sebagai kru dalam pembuatan film yang dibintangi oleh aktris legendaris Marilyn Monroe. Konflik terjadi ketika Colin dekat dan jatuh cinta pada Marilyn padahal Marilyn saat itu sudah menikah dengan Arthur Miller.

Film ini bercerita tentang seorang remaja laki-laki bernama Charlie yang memiliki sifat pendiam dan jarang bergaul. Di sekolah barunya ketika Charlie menonton pertandingan football, dia berntemu dengan kakak kelasnya bernama Patrick, karena kesamaan satu sama lain mereka pun berteman.

Patrick memiliki seorang saudara tiri yang cantik bernama Sam. Sam sangat baik pada Charlie sehingga Charlie menyukai Sam, namun Sam hanya menganggap Charlie layaknya adiknya sendiri.

Dirumorkan Pensiun Akting, Intip Sederet Film Yang Dibintangi Emma Watson

Film ini bercerita tentang sekelompok remaja yang ingin mencoba hidup mewah, mereka membuntuti para selebriti dunia dan mencuri barang-barang branded para seleb tersebut. Barang-barang curian yang mereka dapatkan malah diposting di media sosial, hal itu menyebabkan mereka diciduk bahkan di penjara.


Film ini menceritakan tentang seorang pria bernama Jay baruchel yang datang ke pesta para selebriti dunia, karena gaya hidup para seleb yang tidak sesuai dengannya, Jay memutuskan meninggalkan pesta. Namun, tiba-tiba gempa bumi mengguncang Los Angeles dan kebakaran terjadi dimana-mana. Jay dan beberapa orang yang selamat terperangkap di sebuah tempat yang tidak terduga.

Film kontrovesial ini bercerita tentang sebuah akhir dari dunia, Noah bermimpi terjadi sebuah bencana banjir besar, sehingga dirinya yang mempercayai mimpi tersebut membuat sebuah kapal bermuatan besar.

Demi Baca Buku, Emma Watson Cuti Main Film

Film ini bercerita tentang seorang wanita bernama Lena yang bekerja sebagai pramugari, Lena memiliki kekasih bernama Daniel. Suatu ketika, mereka terjebak di tengah-tengah aksi demonstrasi melawan perbudakan.

Mereka ditangkap karena disangka sebagai aktivis dan di tahan di sebuah kamp tentara. Hal itu menjadi sulit ketika Daniel dibawa pergi oleh para tentara, dan Lena mencari-cari keberadaan Daniel dari satu kamp ke kamp lainnya.

Film bergenre thriller ini bercerita tentang seorang pria bernama Jhon yang diduga telah memperkosa putrinya sendiri yang berusia 17 tahun bernama Angela. Jhon yang kehilangan ingatannya dibantu detektif Bruce kenner dalam mengintrogasi kasus Jhon. Hal itu membuat Bruce diteror oleh sekelompok pemuja setan.

Emma Watson Ungkap Sempat Tak Mau Lagi Jadi Hermione Granger

Film besutan Disney ini bercerita tentang seorang gadis muda bernama Belle yang mendapatkan ayahnya disekap di sebuah istana tua oleh seorang monster bernama Beast. Belle yang ingin menyelamatkan ayahnya, rela menjadi sandera Beast agar sang ayah dibebaskan. Namun Seiring berjalannya waktu Beast mulai jatuh cinta pada kebaikan hati Belle begitupun sbealiknya.

Film ini bercerita tentang teknologi mutakhir dimana orang-orang disibukkan dengan media sosial dan teknologi modern lainnya. Seorang perempuan muda bernama Mae yang diterima bekerja di sebuah perusahaan besar bernama The Circle. Mae ditunjuk untuk menjadi sukarelawan agar di rumahnya dipasangi kamera, supaya para audiens tahu kegiatan apa yang dilakukan oleh Mae sampai ke hal-hal privasi lainnya.