Emma Watson Rp Accent

Miss Emma Watson. She played Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movie. This is one of a series in a photo-shoot the young actress did for her 20th birthday. Andrea Carter-Bowman took these shots. I find most of the pictures in the series very fetching, but there is something I find very sexy in this particular picture. It’s a sultry look in the eye from someone too young to really know what sultry is. Its flirty in a way that young girls flirt. And she is young. I’m old enough to be her father… ‘s older friend… Yeah, her father’s older friend.

The light gray terry top displays as casualness to the encounter. As if you’ve just come across her while she was out doing something else entirely without the intention of meet you, though she was completely intent on meeting you. Wearing it off the shoulder emphasizes the softness of her curve. Her smooth, supple limbs would feel nice against my neck as she looks up deeply into my eyes. Her smooth clear skin with the light reflecting off of it has a radiant glow synonymous with youthful vigor.


I like the soft auburn hair, slightly longer than shoulder length, the way its pulled away from the face. It frames her face without obscuring it. The hat makes a nice accent as if she could use it to hide should she choose.

Zelda Actor Patricia Summersett Says Her Voice Was Influenced By Game Of Thrones, Mia Farrow

The tilt of her head, pulling her chin into her, is a sexy pose. Body language people would say its a display of shyness but this pose with her eyes looking at me from the top, near her eyebrow, is sexy as hell. It’s the same way with a woman catching your eye over the top of her glasses.. Her eyes are warm and bright with a twinkle in them. They seem like happy eyes. Large eyes, taking me in, drawing me in with an inviting look to them. They make a lovely pair.

It’s a coyishness with which her hand hides her smile. That smile discloses a hint at mischief in the partially exposed lip. I cannot see her lips themselves and yet I cannot stop wondering what they may taste like. She hides it as she would hide an invitation to an indiscretion.

Also, at the composition level of the photo, the clear definition better Emma and the background is a bonus for us Photoshop users. We can easily remove her from the neutral tone background and replace it with something more to our liking. In one photo manipulation I’ve made, this backdrop has been replace with a background of the city of Paris at night. A few light source touches and it appears she’s on a balcony overlooking the city of lights. Its all a question of having the right components at hand.

What Accent Does Emma Watson Have?

There is so much written in praise of youth and virtue. Perhaps because both are valued by the older people doing the writing. What if youth were to write the great tomes of the classic cannon? What would they value?

Many people say that we have a youth based culture. That we middle age and older people are more focused on young people and what they are doing… Those ‘damn kids’ that we bemoan. But hasn’t it always been so? I remember they used to say that about ‘kids’ my age in the eighties. And I know they were confounded by the young people in the sixties. They were decrying the fate of f Scott Fitzgerald wrote about them in the twenties, Hemingway wrote. About young men during the fifties even if it was somewhat autobiographical.

And so, she is young and alluring, singing a youthful siren song of carefree times long ago. We probably know someone just like her back then. We may have even been with someone just like her way back then. Perhaps this photo is as such a time machine, a window open to a recollection lurking just be

How To Speak In A British Accent

There is something enticing about youth itself. Not in the obsessive ‘Lolita’ way, but in a healthy, radiant, vibrant, inquisitive way. Youth is an aggregate of attributes that sings of fertility. I suppose, at that level my reaction to her, my attraction to her, may be evolutionary and elementary my dear Watson.

Information about creative writing contests, poetry contests, literary magazine theme issues, writing residencies, grants, fellowships etc. Now accepting creative writing contests news and announcements!How do the Brits rate the many different accents in the British Isles and are they a reflection of the British property market? There is a sort of ‘pecking order’ to the accents found in the British Isles. But here’s the question: is this pecking order a reflection of the performance of the property market in the different cities in the UK?

If you were to do a quick analysis of English dialects, you will find that there are roughly as many accents in the British Isles as there are in the whole of North America – including Canada, Bermuda and Native American dialects. Drill deeper and you will find that there is one dialect per every 1.3 million people in the British Isles (vs. a rather unimpressive one in 10m people in North America)!


English Accent On Pop Culture [7 Top British Accents]

This is a fact known to few, with many not even realising the huge variety in British accents, let alone the hilariously painful hierarchy associated with it.

Thanks to YouGov, an international Internet-based market research and data analytics firm headquartered in the UK, the mystery to this social pecking order has been  has unravelled.

YouGov conducted a research based on the public’s ratings of the attractiveness of the 12 main British accents in the UK and found that the public has deemed the Birmingham ‘Brummie’ accent the most unattractive. A study by psychologists from Bath Spa University expressed the reason behind this prejudice: apparently, people with Brummie accents sound like crooks, and are viewed as less intelligent and less imaginative.  Of course, these stereotypes are not rooted in science, and should not be treated as a true measure of intelligence.

Awesome English Accents In The United Kingdom: How Many Can You Spot?

Interestingly, the Liverpool ‘Scouse’ and Manchester ‘Mancunian’ accents were the second and third worst, respectively.  A good thing, then, that accents are neutralised in song, for Liverpool-born Paul McCartney and John Lennon of The Beatles, along with Mancunian Liam Gallagher of English rock band Oasis, might have had a harder time topping the charts!

Taking the top spot in YouGov’s research is the Southern Irish accent. Those keeping up with news on entertainment may have come across the likes of Saoirse Ronan and Cillian Murphy, whose speeches and interviews alone may well prove the report true.


Quite surprisingly, though, Received Pronunciation (RP), the very accent of the Qqueen herself, came in second place with a considerable 11-point difference from the first spot. RP has quite the prestigious reputation with only 2% of the British population speaking it, all of whom are of high social standing.

Does Emma Watson Speak British?

Waltzing into third place is the Welsh accent. A separate study by The Language Gallery revealed that people who speak with the Welsh twang were perceived as sounding happier than those with other English accents. Robert Downey Jr. has taken up the challenge of learning this jolly accent for his upcoming film, and Welsh fans are ecstatic about it.  

In the end, regardless of what the Brits themselves think, it appears that the rest of the world continues to marvel at the sophistication of all British accents.

Lyndsey Reid, a Brummie-speaking writer at Business Insider in the US recounts that there really isn’t a “bad” British accent in America given the numerous compliments she has received since landing in New York.

What Kind Of British Accent Did Emma Watson Use In Harry Potter?

Her accent, she says, is a novelty that sets her apart in a positive way. Since her move to America, she has been asked to do presentations at events and provide an insight into the British English language. And, it is her voice that has been used in voice-overs for internal corporate videos.


“You guys think I sound like Emma Watson, ” says the wordsmith, “and even though that couldn’t be further from the truth, I’ll take it.” 

While their accents don’t quite meet the mark (at least among the Brits), Birmingham, Liverpool and Manchester have something else going on for them — their property market.

What Are Native English Speakers' Stances On Emma Watson's Accent?

Those keeping up with the news must be aware of the regional city rise, whereby house prices in cities outside London are experiencing greater growth than in the capital. Shrewd investors would know that these three cities, while home to the UK’s bottom three accents, are actually subject to  have some of the best house price growth rates in the UK.

At CSI Prop, while we cannot offer lessons on the British accent, we can help you invest in some of the best properties the UK has to offer! Contact us at +603 2162 2260 to invest in properties Birmingham, Liverpool and Manchester.

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Bonnie Wright / Emma Watson Double Tg By Thamaister On Deviantart