Brandon Green Novio De Emma Watson

Fue hace mucho tiempo cuando Emma Watson dejó de ser esa niña tímida que conocimos gracias a su papel de Hermione en la saga de Harry Potter para convertirse en toda una activista en defensa de los derechos humanos. Esta faceta hizo que se desvinculara totalmente de ese aura, en ocasiones superficial y artificial, que rodea al mundo de las celebrities. Pese a haber dado un paso atrás para estar en un segundo plano mediático, la prensa sigue haciéndose eco de lo que sucede en su vida, por eso sabemos que la actriz ahora es feliz junto a su pareja, Brandron Green. En te contamos quién es él. 

Brandon Green es un joven muy conocido en Inglaterra, sobre todo por la fortuna que tiene y la que podría heredar. Vive entre Inglaterra y Mónaco, donde vive la mayoría de su familia, y su padre, Philip Green, fue uno de los dirigentes de Topshop, uno de los mayores imperios de ropa del mundo. Este hecho, unido a que Emma siempre se ha declarado con unos ideales muy claros, por lo que a priori este romance sorprendió a todo el mundo, incluido los amigos y familiares de la actriz.


Hace unos años, Brandon formó parte de la lista de solteros más deseados de la revista Tatler, pero nada queda ya de eso. La pareja fue fotografiada por primera vez en septiembre de 2021 en la localidad de Battersea, en Londres. Tras esto, disfrutaron juntos de unas vacaciones en Venecia, lo que hizo que se confirmara su romance.

Quién Es El Nuevo Y Millonario Novio De Emma Watson

Parece ser que sus ideales, aunque no lo parezca, son muy parecidos a los de Watson, ya que Brandon está muy interesado en la biodiversidad y en diferentes acciones para salvar los océanos. Además, colabora con la fundación benéfica del príncipe Alberto de Mónaco y la princesa Charlene. Además, ha participado en varias galas y organizaciones benéficas cuyo objetivo es cuidar el planeta.

Green no ha sido el único novio conocido de Emma Watson. Su última pareja fue el empresario Leo Robinson, con quien rompió hace dos años. Tras esto, y al ser preguntada por la prensa, la actriz comentó que estaba muy a gusto con su soltería. También se le ha relacionado con Will Adamowicz, con el jugador de rugby Matthew Janney y con el directivo de Silicon Valley, Mack Knight.

Sea como sea, la actriz siempre ha intentado huir de todos los convencionalismos que rodean al mundo de los famosos, por lo que siempre ha intentado mantenerse al margen y nunca ha hablado sobre su vida privada. There’s a new man in her life. Emma Watson was spotted holding hands with businessman Brandon Green earlier this month, and fans only want to know more about her rumored boyfriend.

Emma Watson Rompió Con Su Novio Tras 18 Meses De Relación

Star, 32, was photographed in Venice, Italy, on Thursday, August 18, on what appeared to be a date. She wore a red and white dress with black sandals and a brown handbag for the outing. She held hands with Green, 29, as they boarded a boat, per photos obtained by the Daily Mail.

“Emma is so loved up with Leo and this is the happiest anyone’s seen her in a relationship by a million miles, ” a source exclusively told

In June 2021. “Emma is all in and has her heart set on a long-term future, but she doesn’t want to rush an engagement.”

Quién Es Brandon Green, El Novio De Emma Watson

Though Watson doesn’t directly speak about her romantic partners, she often shares advice with fans. In March 2020, the human rights activist emphasized that every relationship takes work.

“The idea that relationships are supposed to be easy and it’s all supposed to be implicitly understood, and you’re just meant to get each other, it’s bulls–t!” Watson declared to Teen Vogue at the time. “It’s impossible!”

The Prada model — who recently made her directorial debut with a campaign for the fashion house — also slammed assumptions that anyone needs to have a romantic partner to be happy. Despite confessing she had “all these ideas” about what her life would look like at 30 years old, Watson insisted in November 2019 that she would not settle down anytime soon.


Emma Watson Updates: Emma Watson And Brandon Green Holding Hands In Venice, Italy [august 11, 2022]

Star Chord Overstreet and tech CEO Brendan Wallace. She was once even rumored to be dating Prince Harry long before he married Meghan Markle — but an insider later denied the romance to Us, noting they were just friends.

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There's a new man in her life. Emma Watson was spotted holding hands with businessman Brandon Green earlier this month, and fans only want to know more about her rumored boyfriend. The

Emma Watson Tiene Nuevo Novio

Star, 32, was photographed in Venice, Italy, on Thursday, August 18, on what appeared to be a date. She wore a red and white dress with black sandals and a brown handbag for the outing. She held hands with Green, 29, as they boarded a boat, per photos obtained by the Daily Mail. The two were previously spotted in September 2021 when they disembarked from a helicopter in London as the former

Star's romance with Leo Robinton fizzled out. She and Robinton started seeing each other in 2019. “Emma is so loved up with Leo and this is the happiest anyone’s seen her in a relationship by a million miles, ” a source exclusively told


In June 2021. “Emma is all in and has her heart set on a long-term future, but she doesn’t want to rush an engagement.” Despite persistent rumors, an official engagement was never announced, and the pair split by the following fall. Though Watson doesn't directly speak about her romantic partners, she often shares advice with fans. In March 2020, the human rights activist emphasized that every relationship takes work. [jwplayer 9t5qNSLX-zhNYySv2] “The idea that relationships are supposed to be easy and it’s all supposed to be implicitly understood, and you’re just meant to get each other, it’s bulls--t!” Watson declared to Teen Vogue at the time. “It’s impossible!” The Prada model — who recently made her directorial debut with a campaign for the fashion house — also slammed assumptions that anyone needs to have a romantic partner to be happy. Despite confessing she had “all these ideas” about what her life would look like at 30 years old, Watson insisted in November 2019 that she would not settle down anytime soon. “I never believed the whole ‘I’m happy single’ spiel, ” she told

Emma Watson, Pillada, Más Enamorada Que Nunca, Junto A Su Novio

At the time. “It took me a long time, but I’m very happy [being single]. I call it being self-partnered.” Watson's relationship with Robinton started shortly after she announced her self-partnered label. Over the years, the

Star Chord Overstreet and tech CEO Brendan Wallace. She was once even rumored to be dating Prince Harry long before he married Meghan Markle — but an insider later denied the romance to Us, noting they were just friends. Scroll down to learn more about her current rumored boyfriend:

His parents, Sir Philip Green and Cristina Green, have an estimated net worth of $2.1 billion, Forbes reports. Philip owns British clothing stores Topshop, Topman, Dorothy Perkins, Miss Selfridge and more through their Arcadia Group. While Philip works in London on weekdays, he returns to Monaco every weekend, which is where Cristina can usually be found.

Lo Que Sabemos Del Supuesto Nuevo Novio De Emma Watson

Brandon's sister, Chloe Green, made headlines when she dated model Jeremy Meeks, the hot felon that went viral in 2014. They were together from 2017 to 2019 and welcomed a son in May 2018, making Brandon an uncle.


He's been an executive director for Digital Transformation and Technology at his father's company since 2014, per a LinkedIn profile that has since been deleted. The same year he started the job, he made Tatler's top 10 single billionaires list.

Not much is known about his dating life, but Brandon was spotted with his hand on model Kate Moss' butt in 2014.Emma Watson, que se dio a conocer de niña por su papel de Hermione en la saga de Harry Potter, no habla nunca de su vida privada. Algunos medios y sobre todo sus fans, que observan con lupa todos sus movimientos, dan por hecho que la actriz británica ha roto con su último novio, el multimillonario Brandon Green. La pareja llevaba saliendo un año y medio. Según cuentan algunos medios, iban muy “en serio” pero aseguran que la relación terminó poco después de Navidad. Y sustentan sus elucubraciones en la astrología.

Conoce A Brandon Green, El Multimillonario Que Conquistó A Emma Watson!

La actriz, alejada del cine y de los focos y convertida en un referente por su activismo en defensa de los derechos y en el cuidado del planeta, dejaba entrever en una de sus últimas publicaciones en redes sociales que la influencia de los astros le habría llevado a tomar una decisión definitiva sobre su relación.

Alejada de la imagen de celebrity, Emma, de 33 años, reflexionaba hace poco sobre su vida: “He surfeado mal, he hecho mucha terapia… Y me he sentido muy cabreada por muchas cosas. Pero he aprendido más sobre el amor y a ser mujer. He tardado tres años, pero finalmente he descubierto una práctica diaria…”, explicaba haciendo referencia a