Emma Watson Upset Interview

It seems everyone wants them to be married, have a house, and multiple children by the time they enter their third decade. The fear is that if they don't adhere to these narrow ideas of femininity, that they will wind up lonely and depressed for the rest of their lives.

That's making the assumption that women with children and a significant other are somehow happier than those who are single. It also assumes that a woman cannot be fulfilled by their careers and hobbies or by simply being themselves.


Paul Dolan, a professor of behavioral science at the London School of Economics, says that marriage and children don't necessarily make a woman happier. In fact, for many, it's the opposite.

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We do have some good longitudinal data following the same people over time, but I am going to do a massive disservice to that science and just say: if you're a man, you should probably get married; if you're a woman, don't bother., Doan said at the hay Festival.

Actress Emma Watson, who plays Meg in the upcoming Little Woman, is turning 30 soon but has decided to let go of the pressure that comes it and has a new way of defining what it means to be single.

I was like, 'Why does everyone make such a big fuss about turning 30? This is not a big deal…' she told British Vogue.

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Cut to 29, and I'm like, 'Oh my God, I feel so stressed and anxious. And I realize it's because there is suddenly this bloody influx of subliminal messaging around, she said.

If you have not built a home, if you do not have a husband, if you do not have a baby, and you are turning 30, and you're not in some incredibly secure, stable place in your career, or you're still figuring things out, she continued. There's just this incredible amount of anxiety.

I never believed the whole 'I'm happy single' spiel, she continued. I was like, 'This is totally spiel.' It took me a long time, but I'm very happy [being single]. I call it being self-partnered.

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What do you think of Emma Watson calling herself self-partnered instead of single? @thisiscarlosb and @GraemeONeil weigh in during ET Canada Live https://t.co/XlcJ6SXjbrpic.twitter.com/fxWVpPzUoi — ET Canada (@ETCanada) November 5, 2019

There is something very powerful in Watson's ability to find self-fulfillment. Some of us are so busy looking to be fulfilled by other people whether they are romantic partners, friends, and family, that we don't realize that, in the end, we have the ability to be happy all by ourselves.

His teacher, who has asked to remain anonymous, gave each of her students a letter and a cookie before the big test. The letter is touching, but it's the video of Rylan's reaction to it that really gets me (you'll see that at the end).

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Whether you think the amount of testing being done in public schools is great or if you wish it were reduced dramatically, one thing we can all probably agree on is that it's important to not send kids the wrong message — that their entire worth is wrapped up in whatever score they get.

The need for kids to hear this stuff is real. School pressures are waaaayyy different from when most of us were kids.


I'll never forget when I drove my daughter home after results came in from a three-day marathon of fifth-grade testing. Usually she was bubbly and happy on days like these because she often got the highest score in her class and was proud of herself — she worked hard and did her best to beat her own scores and loved feeling like it was paying off.

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This time she was salty. Her friend had bested her, and though she congratulated her sincerely and effusively, she couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment that her winning streak had been broken.

You know that if you never achieved another thing in your entire life, you would still be loved and valued in our family just for who you are, right? It'd be disappointing if you stopped trying to reach your potential, but even if you did, we'd still love you. Who you are isn't proven by your track record of achievements — it's the moments when you're sad but are kind to others anyway, when you have a good reason to be a jerk but you choose not to be, and it's when no one is looking and you don't have to be a good person but you are anyway. You will achieve amazing things in your life, and I will always be happy for you when you do, but not because it's proving anything about who you are. I already know who you are.

I saw a lightbulb go off for her then too. I hope it was a pivotal moment in how she will orient herself when going after lofty goals throughout her life.

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Hearing and seeing Rylan's face and his mother's gratitude as they share the letter is all the proof we need — a little kindness can go a long way.

If you're not completely sure a kid in your life totally knows how to separate their test scores from their self-worth, this is a great thing to share with them right now.


There are a few big reasons why 70% of divorces in the United States among heterosexual couples are filed by women. Women have more economic opportunities than in decades past and are better positioned to care for themselves and their children without a husband’s income.

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Another big reason is that even though the world has become much more egalitarian than in the past, women still bear the brunt of most of the emotional labor in the home. Gilza Fort-Martinez, a Florida, US-based licensed couples’ therapist, told the BBC that men are socialized to have lower emotional intelligence than women, leaving their wives to do most of the emotional labor.

Secondly, studies show that women still do most of the domestic work in the home, so many are pulling double duty for their households.

A TikTokker with two children (@thesoontobeexwife) shared why she decided to leave her husband of two decades and her story recounts a common theme: She did all the work and her husband did little but complain.

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“So for the men out there who watch this, which frankly I kind of hope there aren’t any, you have an idea maybe what not to do, ” she starts the video. “Yesterday, I go to work all day, go pick up one kid from school, go grocery shopping, go pick up the other kid from school, come home. Kids need a snack–make the snack. Kids want to play outside – we play outside.”

Her husband then comes home after attending a volunteer program, which she didn’t want him to join, and the self-centeredness begins. “So he gets home, he eats the entire carton of blueberries I just purchased for the children’s lunch and asks me what’s for dinner. I tell him I don’t know because the kids had a late snack and they’re not hungry yet, ” she says in the video.


She then explains how the last time he cooked, which was a rare event, he nearly punched a hole in the wall because he forgot an ingredient. Their previous home had multiple holes in the walls. Dr. Gail Saltz, a psychiatrist and host of the Power of Different podcast, says that when punch walls it’s a sign that they haven’t “learned to deal with anger in a reasonable way.”

From The Archive: Emma Watson On Being Happily “self Partnered” At 30

“Anyway, finally one kid is hungry, ” the TikTokker continues. “So I offered to make pancakes because they’re quick and easy and it’s late. He sees the pancake batter and sees that there’s wheat flour in it and starts complaining. Says he won’t eat them. Now I am a grown adult making pancakes for my children who I am trying to feed nutritionally balanced meals. So yes, there’s wheat flour in the pancake mix.”

Then her husband says he’s not doing the dishes because he didn’t eat any pancakes. “Friends, the only thing this man does around this house is dishes occasionally. If I cook, he usually does the dishes. I cook most nights. But here’s the thing. That’s all he does. I do everything else. Everything. Everything.”

“I cook, I clean the bathrooms, I make the lunches, I make the breakfasts, I mow the lawn, I do kids’ bedtime. I literally do everything and he does dishes once a day, maybe, ” she says.

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The video received over 8700 comments and most of them were words of support for the TikTokker who would go on to file for divorce from her husband.

The amount of women I’ve heard say that their male partners are only teaching how to be completely independent of them, theirs going to be so many lonely men out there, Gwen wrote. I was married to someone just like this for over 35 years. You will be so happy when you get away from him, BeckyButters wrote.


The way you

Emma Watson Is A Brilliant Actor