Emma Watson Activist Facts

First and foremost, Emma Watson is famous for her acting skills. Her most popular role was as Hermoine in the beloved “Harry Potter” series. Then in 2016, she starred as Belle in a live-action remake of “Beauty and the Beast.” And, of course,  everyone loved it.

Outside of the acting world, though, she is an outspoken human rights activist and feminist icon. Emma Watson is also a powerful promoter of education and she’s not afraid to shut down misogyny. She is starting conversations about critical human rights issues and creating tangible change in the world.


Emma Watson doesn’t just read books for fun, she spent five years studying them. In May 2014, she graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Brown University.

How Emma Watson Champions International Women's Rights

Watson seems to have her nose in a book at all times, just like her character Belle. In fact, at the beginning of 2016, she started a feminist Goodreads book club called Our Shared Shelf. This group provides a space for women to talk about literature that promotes female empowerment.

When describing her reasoning to create Our Shared Shelf, Watson stated, “There is so much amazing stuff out there! Funny, inspiring, sad, thought-provoking, empowering! I’ve been discovering so much that, at times, I’ve felt like my head was about to explode … I decided to start a Feminist book club, as I want to share what I’m learning and hear your thoughts too.”

She is not only educating herself about feminist issues but is also fostering conversation among her followers. Keep your nose in those books, Emma! ENTITY is right there with you.

Emma Watson On Gender Equality

In 2009, Watson created the fashion line People Tree, which aims to bring fair trade and organic fashion into the market. Watson told The Guardian,  “I was excited by the idea of using fashion as a tool to alleviate poverty and knew it was something I could help make a difference with.” It isn’t about making profits for Emma Watson, but rather creating change in the world.

She is a strong advocate of free trade as a tool to end global poverty. Watson believes that purchasing clothes from developing nations provides a path towards financial independence and agency. She argues that this is a better route than charity because “you can help people by buying things they make and supporting things they take pride in.” That’s our girl!

Emma Roberts is kind of the feminist “it” girl for millennials. However, when it comes to feminist theory, she is the new girl on the block. But she’s willing to learn. She told Elle, “I am aware I have a long way to go. I am not sure I deserve all the respect I get yet, but I’m working on it.” She is certainly off to a great start.

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She was appointed as a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador in the summer of 2014. Then, shortly after her acceptance of the position, she used her platform to formally launch the HeForShe Campaign. This movement calls on men to join in the fight for gender equality.


During her speech in September 2014, Watson stated, “I think it is right that I should be able to make decisions about my own body. I think it is right that women be involved on my behalf in the policies and decision-making of my country.”

She also went on to say, “I think it is right that socially I am afforded the same respect as men. But sadly I can say that there is no one country in the world where all women can expect to receive these rights.”

Here's The Problem With That Article Criticizing Emma Watson

Recently, she met with a large group of activists in Malawi to discuss the issue of child marriage. The UN reported, “With the help and collaboration of her local chiefs, mothers’ groups and religious leaders, she has managed to annul almost 1, 500 child marriages, sending the girls back to school. President Mutharika has committed to make child marriage a thing of the past in Malawi within the next five years. Because of bold and brave leadership like this, things may start to change.”

When it comes to activism, Emma Watson doesn’t just talk the talk. She walks the walk. Watson is a proud advocate of the non-profit One Young World. This organization brings together young leaders to discuss solutions for some of the world’s most pressing issues. No doubt, Emma Watson is the perfect spokeswoman for the cause.


In an interview, Emma Watson spoke with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau about how today’s youth need to be involved in politics. During their discussion, Trudeau praised Watson and said,  “The HeForShe campaign has had an extraordinary impact around the world, making men champions of women’s issues that are everyone’s issues. Her voice is extremely important in making people realize how important this is.”

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Emma Watson was recently criticized for a revealing photo on the cover of Vanity Fair. The star is often seen as the “good girl” of Hollywood. As a result, some haters sent their unsolicited opinions via Twitter.

Unsurprisingly, there were claims that she is not a “true feminist” because she showed some cleavage. Wait, what is feminism about again? Is it about policing women’s bodies? No sir.

She bluntly stated, “Feminism is about giving women choice. Feminism is not a stick with which to beat other women with. It’s about freedom, it’s about liberation, it’s about equality. I really don’t know what my tits have to do with it.”


Un Women Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson

Emma Watson is a talented actress, but some of her greatest work is off-screen. She is promoting gender equality and trying to bring an end to global poverty. She’s also an advocate for education and reminds women that they can express their sexuality and still be respectable.

Emma Watson has beauty, brains and a deep passion for women’s rights. There’s no telling where she will go next, but ENTITY is behind her 100 percent.