Emma Watson Cat Harry Potter

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In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, the second film in the magical franchise, Emma Watson's Hermione Granger is transformed into a half-human, half-cat after accidentally adding a piece of cat hair to a transfiguration potion.


The scene is one of the most memorable in the franchise, but Watson — who portrayed Granger in all eight films — does not feature in it because she had an allergic reaction to the glue used to apply the extensive cat makeup. The scene instead features Flick Miles, who played Watson's body double in three Harry Potter films.

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My biggest claim to fame is when, in the second film, she turns into a cat, and when she has the Polyjuice Potion and it's a cat hair, that whole prosthetic makeup is actually on me, Miles told .

When they first put it onto Emma she had a bit of a reaction to the spirit glue that you'd use to stick the makeup down, so they just said, 'Oh, why don't we just try it with Flick?' So I came in and then that whole bit, they used me with this amazing makeup. It looks like a mask you'd just put on, but it's actually like hundreds of different pieces and it's quite amazing.

Speaking about watching the scene on screen, Miles, who now hosts the podcast Behind The Wand: Stories From The Harry Potter Films, added: That's my bit that I'm like: 'That's definitely me.'

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The British make-up effects designer Nick Dudman who worked on all eight Harry Potter films crafted the famous half-human, half-cat look on Miles. In a recent episode of the Behind The Wand podcast, Dudman broke down the difficulty of bringing the effects described in the film's script to life.

There isn't a set way of doing something, he said. When you go through a script and read there's a dead unicorn, okay how are you going to make that? You don't have a book that says dead unicorns chapter one. You have to figure out how you, in those circumstances and the budget you've got you can make something that looks cool.Everyone loved watching the 'Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts' TV special and whilst we saw a lot of the cast - there was also a lot happening in the background. And now one person has been telling us what it was like working on the set of Harry Potter being Emma Watson's body double.

Flick Miles found herself back in the spotlight recently due to the Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts TV special and she was a pretty big part of the HP cast and crew - even if it was in the background.

Millicent Bulstrode's Cat

Flick, 31, opened up exclusively to the Scottish Daily Express on what life was like as a kid on the set of one of the most magical films to have hit the cinema screens, as well as what it was like being Emma Watson - or Hermione Granger's - body double.

Flick, who recently launched a podcast in celebration, said that she would absolutely love to do it all over again and enjoys talking about her memories of her time on the set and hanging around with the cast pretty much all day, every day.

She said: We would all eat and chill together - especially on location - we would spend a lot of time together.

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But she accepted that they are all now very busy people, and revealed she last spoke to Daniel Radcliffe when he invited her to theatre show Equus back in 2007.

Speaking about her memories of landing the role working alongside Emma as Hermione Granger in the first three films, Flick, originally from north London, said: I was at a drama class, it wasn't a big acting school or anything like that, more of an after school club.

The woman who ran the club also had a small agency and she just asked my mum at one session when she came to pick me up, when I was about nine years old, if she could have a picture of me and if there was any auditions or anything she could put me forward.

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My mum just gave her a snap of me in the garden and that was it really, it was the first thing I ever auditioned for and I was off to the studios.


At first they said it was going to be about 12 weeks work and then when I was there I met Christopher Columbus and David Heyman producer and director and John Seale the cinematographer who was also head of the camera department.

They tested me and Emma against each other and lined us up, looking through the camera lens to ultimately see if we have a similarly shaped face, along with of course the height and build.

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As well as matching her with Emma, she was also lined her up with Daniel and Rupert Grint and it was agreed that Flick would fit the part.

A young Flick living out her Harry Potter dream ready to take on a game of chess in the first film. (Image: Flick Miles.)

She explained: I remember the first time they ever did my hair it took about three hours to do, after that it was only about 45 minutes, but I think they were still experimenting with how they wanted Hermione's hair to look.

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They would clip in pieces of hair extensions to make it look even bigger and naturally I had the right hair colour.

Flick, now a bright platinum blonde, says she more than likely opted for the bold hair change because she was so restricted with what she could do with her hair as a kid during filming.


She said she had the impression the producers 'tamed' Hermione's wild hair-look in the second film due to her being that little bit older and beginning to get into doing hair and makeup around that age.

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She said: Hermione does tend to get a bit more glamorous as the films go on and I think that reflects that she had her own journey there, her hair was definitely a lot of work and not an easy look to achieve.

At night, her mum would put her hair in damp rags to prepare for the iconic look so that when she woke up in the morning, her hair had the classic Hermione 'curly frizz' so stylists could easily work with it.

Flick even admitted that throughout filming a lot of product as well as a hair net had to be used to maintain the iconic volume and to stop it from going flat.

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Discussing her time over the course of three films over four years, she added: I think the reunion show really has made Potter fans fall in love with Harry Potter all over again.


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Flick said that originally, the cat was supposed to be a ginger tabby, but the team tested two looks and settled upon the one we now know.

She said that a cast was taken of her face and later hundreds of different pieces and facial hair were stuck on individually. All in all it took the hair and make-up team roughly three to four hours to get the look ready, explained Flick.

The actor-turned-journalist is happily married with a young baby now in the bliss of enjoying her maternity leave in Hertfordshire, but says if the opportunity came up tomorrow to do it all over again she absolutely would without a shadow of a doubt.

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She said: It was a huge part of my life but I worked pretty much non-stop from around the age of 10 to 14 and if I carried on after the third film I wouldn't have been able to do my GCSE's and I would have had to fully commit to doing Harry Potter on a more long-term basis.

It was the most incredible and amazing experience but I wasn't sure if I really wanted to get seriously into acting, so I went back to school.

At 14 you just want to be back at school and hang around with your friends and be a kid. It was full-time - you didn't do anything else or go to parties or anything like that, so there wasn't a huge amount of social life as I was working

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