Emma Watson Face Shape

Analysis of face is completed with a face score of 8.26 out of 10 and found you are beautiful and attractive. The report below details front face analysis, face shape analysis, gender analysis, percieved age analysis and facial fat deposit levels. You can also find personalised styling suggestions.

Your face shape is triangle. Your face looks like an inverted triangle, with a notable broad forehead with a small chin. The chin does not have a pointy appearance. The hairline is either straight across the forehead or slightly rounded around the edge of the line. All in all, chiseled, angular cuts are the key quality here.


Analysis of your face shows you have a fat deposit percentage of 24% and finds you have only the minimum necessary amount of fat deposit. Maintaining a low level of fat deposit helps you to keep your attractiveness.

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Do you know what makes you attractive? Your best features are the Bi-Temporal to Bi-Zygomatic Ratio, Eye Width to Height Ratio, and Nose Width. Also, you may want to know your features that need special attention. Your features that require improvements are Bi-Zygomatic Width, Eye Canthal Tilt, and Chin Length.

The attractiveness of multiple facial features contributes to overall facial attractiveness. The American University of Beirut Medical Center study says beauty and facial attractiveness are easily identified but difficult to quantify.Despite its subjective nature, we can attempt to define, measure, and explain the captivating phenomenon of beauty by describing it numerically and geometrically.

Hence, a single feature does not determine attractiveness because it depends on how well that feature harmonizes with the face.The unit of measurement we used here is Interpupillary Distance (IPD).

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Your Bitemporal To Bizygomatic Ratio is 1.07 and the ideal value is 1.04. The larger the value, the better it is. You have a fair score for this feature.

Bitemporal width is measured from the most lateral points on each side of the forehead, while bi-zygomatic width is defined as the distance between the most laterally positioned points on the zygomatic arches. A larger bi-temporal width in comparison to bi-zygomatic width is considered attractive among females. According to a study, an unattractive face often features a round lower face, stretched chin region, and compressed eye and eyebrow regions. It was also found that a high amount of facial fat is often associated with a high body fat proportion, making the average masculine body shape with greater muscle mass more attractive to women, while a high body fat proportion is deemed least attractive. Attractive facial shapes are longer and more dolichocephalic, featuring a narrower lower jaw and a wider, fuller lower lip. Additionally, another study found that faces with shorter width are perceived as more trustworthy. Thus, a larger bi-temporal width compared to bi-zygomatic width contributes to attractiveness, trustworthiness, and the perception of a healthier body shape among females.

Your Eye Width To Height Ratio is 2.43 and the ideal value is 2.51. The smaller the value, the better it is. This feature dramatically impacts your perceived attractiveness, and you have a fair score for this feature.

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Your Nose Width is 37 IPD units and the ideal value is 35 IPD units. The smaller the value, the better it is. This feature dramatically impacts your perceived attractiveness, and you have a fair score for this feature.


A smaller nose width is often considered more attractive among females. Research at the George Eastman Dental Hospital found that a nose width smaller than ¼ of the facial width contributes to the perception of beauty. Another study supported this, with 64.8% of respondents preferring reduced nose proportions in women. Additionally, a study reported that the human nose is sexually diamorphic, with males tending to have larger noses than females, making evolutionary preferences for smaller female noses understandable. Furthermore, a study found that a youthful face often features a small nose, large eyes, and full lips, which can contribute to overall attractiveness. A more recent study investigated the neoclassical cannon theory, which proposes that the ideal female nose width is about one-fifth of the facial width. The findings showed deviations from the theory, but generally, noses closer to the average composite were deemed more attractive.

Your Bizygomatic Width is 145 IPD units and the ideal value is 131 IPD units. The smaller the value, the better it is. You have a low score on this feature, but as we already know, no single feature determines the beauty of a face.

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Your Eye Canthal Tilt Angle is 5 degrees and the ideal value is 14 degrees. The larger the angle, the better it is. You have a low score on this feature, but as we already know, no single feature determines the beauty of a face.

An eye canthal tilt is the angle between the inner and outer corners of the eyes and plays a significant role in periorbital aesthetics. The tilt can be negative, neutral, or positive, with a positive tilt providing a more attractive, sharp, and youthful appearance. Studies, such as the one conducted at the University of Toronto, have found that a positive canthal tilt is a strong indicator of female facial attractiveness. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that a steeper palpebral fissure inclination is a neonatal and sexually dimorphic feature. A positive canthal tilt is also linked to youth, health, and exuberance. Various studies support the notion that a positive canthal tilt enhances a woman’s appearance, making her look more attractive, youthful, and feminized. However, as the tilt decreases with age due to soft tissue descent, it can contribute to a more masculinized appearance. Research has shown that female faces with a positive canthal tilt are preferred 93% of the time, making it a distinctive quality of a beautiful eye.


Your Chin Length is 35 IPD units and the ideal value is 29 IPD units. The smaller the value, the better it is. You have a low score on this feature, but as we already know, no single feature determines the beauty of a face.

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A study at School of Psychology, University of St Andrews, UK by Perrett found that “very attractive female faces have more feminine features (a smaller chin and higher cheekbones)”.

The scientific paper by Thayer et al showed that males typically have “larger and more projecting lateral tubercles at the base of the chin” and this longer and broader chin phenotype is used to help us discern males from females.It should come as no surprise then, that females with longer chins are typically rated as less attractive, as this is more fitting with the attractive male face shape.

When men were asked to rate the attractiveness of women in a study (Cunningham et al 1986), an interesting observation developed: they preferred baby - like features.A small chin, a small nose and big eyes were not only preferred, but dictated the men’s likelihood to date, help and be sexually attracted to these women.The study quotes “Smaller chins were found to be desirable for women”.


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Valenzano et al(2006) show that, Sexual differences in the female during their foetal development usually result in “horizontal reduction of the chin, [and] forward movement of the gonion(jaw angle)”. This aesthetic change in the developing female’s chin, helps create an ‘attractive shape’.

Your face shape is triangle. Your face looks like an inverted triangle, with a notable broad forehead with a small chin. The chin does not have a pointy appearance. The hairline is either straight across the forehead or slightly rounded around the edge of the line. All in all, chiseled, angular cuts are the key quality here. According to research, the most attractive face shape for women is a triangle. An oval face shape is widely considered attractive, while heart, round, diamond, rectangle, and square face shapes are also considered attractive to varying degrees. On the other hand, pear and oblong face shapes are not typically seen as attractive.

You are very feminine, with great features of sexual dimorphism. Following is the detail breakup of each feature that contributes to your feminine and masculine features.

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A larger ratio of Bi-Zygomatic-Width to Face-Height is considered a feminine feature, while a smaller ratio is a masculine one. Weston et al.’s (2007) study indicates that as children mature into adults, their facial structure changes; faces become longer and narrower, but these alterations vary between genders, especially post puberty. Boys develop wider faces, with the distance between their cheekbones (bizygomatic width) growing more than their face height, resulting in broader, somewhat shorter faces. Girls, however, maintain a longer face shape as their cheekbone width doesn’t expand as much. This leads to a higher ratio of cheekbone width to face height in men and a lower ratio in women. The wider, shorter facial structure is commonly associated with masculinity, while the longer, narrower one is considered feminine. Lakhiani & Somenek (2019) suggested that this sexual dimorphism in facial structure can be attributed to factors like women’s lighter but more noticeable cheekbones that give a rounder, heart-shaped appearance to the face, while men’s heavier cheekbones result in a squarer face.


Beauty standards, influenced by societal, cultural, and media trends, have evolved to perceive