Tom Felton Ja Namorou Emma Watson

While Harry Potter ’s Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy were enemies on screen, real-life actors Emma Watson and Tom Felton couldn’t be closer in real life! So just what went down between the former child actors? Keep reading to find out everything we know about Emma and Tom’s relationship status. 

Emma was 9 and Tom was only 12 years old when they first walked into auditions for the first movie of the franchise, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone , which debuted in theaters in 2001. 


“There was a definite Gryffindor/Slytherin divide in the early days, ” Tom reminisced of the early days on set, in an excerpt shared by Insider. “Two cliques that kept their distance from each other, largely because we didn’t spend that much time working together.”

Tom Felton Está Solteiro Em 2020?

Both Emma and Tom went on to star in all eight films over a ten-year period: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets , Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban , Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire , Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix , Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows , parts I and II. The last film was released in 2011.

In his memoir, which was released on October 18, the Harry Potter actor recalled a time he felt “ashamed” for mocking a 9-year-old Emma’s dance moves. “We were just being s—ty boys, largely out of awkwardness and because we thought taking the piss was cool, but Emma was visibly upset by our thoughtless reaction, ” he wrote. “I did apologize and Emma accepted my apology.” 

Following their time as kids, fans have wondered if Tom and Emma were ever involved romantically. In 2011, Emma further ignited the rumors after she admitted in an interview with Seventeen magazine that she “had a huge crush on” Tom while they filmed the first two movies in 2001 and 2002. 

Emma Watson Revela Que Foi Apaixonada Por Colega De 'harry Potter'

During HBO Max’s Harry Potter 20th reunion special, which debuted in January, the Little Women actress also revealed the extent of her childhood crush, as she admitted she use to look for Tom’s name on the call sheet every day during production. 

In a special foreword for Tom’s Book shared by People , touching on their current relationship, The Perks of Wallflower actress penned she “always struggle(d) to explain to people the nature of our connection and relationship” as what they have is “far deeper.”

“For the first two movies, I had a huge crush on Tom Felton. He was my first crush, ” she told Seventeen in 2011. “He totally knows. We talked about it — we still laugh about it. We are really good friends now, and that’s cool.”

Estes Atores De 'harry Potter' Namoraram Colegas De Elenco

“It’s always nice to bump into her, see her at the beach, or over dinner, or whatever, ” the In Secret actor gushed to the Daily Mail in November 2019. “She’s an incredibly smart and lovely young lady, so it’s always nice to bump into each other and slightly reminisce about old times but also about looking forward to the future.”

“I think really the truth of it was Tom was the one I could often be more vulnerable with, ” Emma said during the 20th Anniversary Special on HBO Max. “Nothing has ever, ever, ever happened romantically with us. We just love each other. That’s all I can say about that.” 

“I became very protective over her, yeah, ” the British actor shared during the HBO Max production. “I’ve always had a soft spot for her and that continues to the day… There’s always been something that’s like, I don’t know, a kinship.”


El Amor Platónico Que Se Convirtió En Romance?: La Historia De Emma Watson Y Tom Felton Que Comenzó En

In the foreword for Tom’s new book, Emma penned a special note for her former costar whom she’s loved in a “special way” for 20 years.

“I’ve lost count of the times that people have said to me, ‘You must have drunkenly made out, just once!’ ‘You must have kissed!’ ‘There must be something!'” the Beauty and the Beast actress wrote in an excerpt shared by People. “Like Tom, I always struggle to explain to people the nature of our connection and relationship… For more than 20 years now we’ve loved each other in a special way.”

“It’s one of the purest loves I can think of. We’re soulmates, and we’ve always had each other’s backs. I know we always will. It makes me emotional to think about it, ” she went on.

Tom Felton Posta Foto Fofíssima Com Emma Watson E Fãs Suspeitam De Romance

 “You know that person in your life who makes you feel seen? That person who is somehow a witness to all that unfolds?” the British actress detailed. “That person who knows – really knows – what is happening to you and what you’re going through, without anything having to be said? For me, that person is Tom Felton.”

“I’ve grown to understand with the passing of the years that of all of us, Emma had the most to deal with, the most difficult situation to negotiate, and from the earliest age, ” Tom authored in his memoir. “And the pressures she experienced went further than just having to deal with stupid boys…She was in many ways treated like an adult from the day she was cast. It’s a phenomenon that can, I think, be more difficult for girls than for boys. They are unfairly sexualized in the media and beyond.”Há quem imagine como seria se Draco Malfoy e Hermione Granger formassem um casal nos livros de “Harry Potter” — o famoso ship “Dramione”. A torcida por um relacionamento entre eles ainda adentra a realidade quando a “shippada” envolve os intérpretes Emma Watson e Tom Felton. Nesta sexta-feira (4), o ator falou ao Entertainment Tonight sobre a possibilidade de um romance com a ex-colega de elenco. Nação Potterhead, vamos com calma!


“Nós somos algo, se isso faz sentido. Nós somos próximos há um bom tempo. Eu adoro ela. Acho ela fantástica. Espero que ela devolva o elogio” , compartilhou o nosso inesquecível Draco Malfoy quando questionado sobre sua relação com a atriz. 

Emma Watson E Tom Felton Aparecem Juntos Em Foto E Levantam Rumores De Namoro

Contudo, para aqueles torcedores ferrenhos de um relacionamento entre Emma e Tom, parece que a coisa não anda por esse caminho. “Quanto ao lado romântico disso, acho que é mais uma coisa de Sonserina/ Grifinória do que algo entre Tom e Emma. Eu acho ela tudo. Fazer parte do que nós fizemos, especialmente para ela por ser a única menina, provavelmente a mais nova no set, crescer como ela teve que crescer foi uma coisa incrivelmente empolgante. Você vai me deixar emotivo agora, mas não, eu acho que ela é uma influência fantástica no mundo” , contou.

Tom e Emma continuam em contato mesmo após 20 anos do lançamento do primeiro filme da saga, “Harry Potter e a Pedra Filosofal”. “Falei com ela uns dias atrás e imediatamente a conversa se tornou sobre ‘ah, a pia da cozinha foi instalada’, ou alguma coisa trivial como ‘meu cachorro não come um tipo de comida’”, disse o ator, que também mantém relações com outros colegas de elenco, como Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) e Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley). “Nós entramos em contato até que frequentemente… É legal que nós estamos em quatro diferentes cantos do planeta e ainda assim nos falamos. Sinto como se as coisas estivessem acontecendo como se fosse ontem” , revelou. E a gente queria ser uma mosquinha para poder participar dessas ligações com eles, né?!

Em 2019, quando foi capa da Vogue Britânica, Emma chegou a contar que estava satisfeita com a vida sem envolvimentos amorosos. “Levou tempo, mas estou muito feliz [solteira]. Eu chamo de ser auto-parceira” , revelou à época. Conforme o Daily Mail, neste ano surgiram rumores de que ela estaria noiva e de que se aposentaria da atuação. No entanto, Emma foi ao Twitter em maio e apontou que as suposições são apenas uma forma dos veículos de ganhar engajamento, e que estava focada em cuidar de seus entes queridos e fazer o necessário para evitar a disseminação da Covid-19.

Tom Felton Has Really Nice Things To Say About Emma Watson

“Queridos fãs, rumores de se estou noiva ou não, ou se minha carreira está dormente ou não, são maneiras de ganhar cliques a todo tempo em que é revelado se é verdade ou não”, afirmou em um tuíte. “Ao mesmo tempo, por favor, acreditem que a falta de notícias minhas significa que estou quieta passando pela pandemia como a maioria das pessoas – falhando em fazer pão, cuidando dos meus entes amados e fazendo meu melhor para não espalhar um vírus que continua afetando muita gente” , disparou. 


Dear Fans, Rumours about whether I’m engaged or not, or whether my career is “dormant or not” are ways to create clicks each time they are revealed to be true or untrue. — Emma Watson (@EmmaWatson) May 17, 2021

In the mean time please assume no news from me just means I’m quietly spending the pandemic the way most people are – failing to make sourdough bread (!), caring for my loved ones and doing my best not to spread a virus that is still affecting so many people. — Emma Watson (@EmmaWatson) May 17, 2021

Emma Watson Opens Up About 'deep Love' For Harry Potter Co Star Tom Felton: 'we're Soulmates'

Já o vilão de Sonserina que amamos odiar, dividiu ainda que se sente bastante conectado com