Emma Watson Verliebt In Tom Felton

Es ist längst bekannt, dass Emma Watson am Anfang der Harry Potter-Zeit in Tom Felton verliebt war. Jetzt erklärt sie, wie es dazu kam.

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Die Vorfreude bei den Fans ist riesig! 2001 erschien mit „Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen“ die erste Verfilmung der beliebten Jugendbücher von J.K. Rowling. Nun - 20 Jahre später - bringt HBO Max ein langes Dokumentations-Special mit allen Stars der Reihe raus.

Emma Watson: Draco Brach Ihr Herz

, Emma Watson und Rupert Grint dabei sind, erscheint am 1. Januar. Doch schon jetzt sickern erste Details zu der Sendung durch. Wie die Daily Mail berichtet, spricht Emma Watson erneut über ihre Schwärmerei für Malfoy-Schauspieler Tom Felton.

Denn während sich Draco und Hermine in den Filmen absolut nicht ausstehen konnten, sah das hinter der Kamera ganz anders aus. Bereits in der Vergangenheit hatte die 31-Jährige verraten, dass sie in den ersten zwei Jahren der Harry Potter-Dreharbeiten in den Darsteller verliebt gewesen war.

In dem Special geht sie jetzt noch mehr ins Detail und enthüllt, wie es dazu gekommen ist. Ich kam in den Raum, in dem wir Unterricht hatten. Die Aufgabe bestand darin, zu zeichnen, wie man sich Gott vorstellt, und Tom hatte ein Mädchen mit einer umgedrehten Mütze auf einem Skateboard gezeichnet, erinnert sich die Britin.

Emma Watson Gets Candid About 'soulmate' Tom Felton Amid Years Of Relationship Rumours

Danach sei es um sie geschehen. Und ich weiß nicht, wie ich es sagen soll... Ich habe mich daraufhin einfach in ihn verliebt. Danach habe sie sich am Set immer nach ihrem Kollegen umgesehen und gehofft, ihn irgendwo zu begegnen. Zwischen den beiden sei aber leider nie etwas passiert.

Er hat mich immer 'seine kleine Schwester' genannt, so Emma. Autsch! Und auch Tom meldet sich zu dem Thema zu Wort und stellt klar: Wir waren immer nur Freunde. Ich war sehr beschützend ihr gegenüber. Ich hatte schon immer eine Schwäche für Emma, und das ist bis heute so geblieben. Es gab immer so etwas wie, ich weiß nicht, eine Verwandtschaft. Auch wenn sich viele Fans mehr wünschen: Emma und Tom sind und bleiben also Freunde!On New Year’s Day, the Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts special finally started streaming on HBO Max. The cast shared so many heartwarming, nostalgia-ridden stories, and fans absolutely lost it after Emma Watson revealed when and how she “fell in love” with co-star Tom Felton on the


“I walked into the room where we were having tutoring, ” she said. “The assignment that had been given was to draw what you thought God looked like, and Tom had drawn a girl with a backward cap on a skateboard.”

Emma Watson Shares How She 'fell In Love' With Tom Felton On Harry Potter Set

“And I just don’t know how to say it — I just fell in love with him, ” Emma continued. “I used to come in every day and look for his number on the call sheet — it was number seven — and if his name was on the call sheet, it was an extra exciting day.”

For the first two movies, I had a huge crush on Tom Felton. He was my first crush, she told in 2011. He totally knows. We talked about it — we still laugh about it. We are really good friends now, and that's cool.


“Emma and I have always loved each other, really… I think I was in the hair and makeup chair and someone said something along the lines of, ‘Yeah, she had a crush on you, ’” he said. “I was — I became very protective over her. Yeah I’ve always had a soft spot for her, and that continues to the day.”

Did Emma Watson & Tom Felton Secretly Date? A Guide To The 'harry Potter' Stars' Relationship

“Nothing has ever, ever, ever happened romantically with us. We just love each other. That's all I can say about that, ” Emma concluded.

Leah Campano is an Associate Editor at , where she covers pop culture, entertainment news, health, and politics. On the weekends, you can probably find her watching marathons of vintage


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Emma Watson Mit Tom Felton Zusammen? (harry Potter)

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“And I just don’t know how to say it — I just fell in love with him, ” Emma continued. “I used to come in every day and look for his number on the call sheet — it was number seven — and if his name was on the call sheet, it was an extra exciting day.”

For the first two movies, I had a huge crush on Tom Felton. He was my first crush, she told in 2011. He totally knows. We talked about it — we still laugh about it. We are really good friends now, and that's cool.


“Emma and I have always loved each other, really… I think I was in the hair and makeup chair and someone said something along the lines of, ‘Yeah, she had a crush on you, ’” he said. “I was — I became very protective over her. Yeah I’ve always had a soft spot for her, and that continues to the day.”

Did Emma Watson & Tom Felton Secretly Date? A Guide To The 'harry Potter' Stars' Relationship

“Nothing has ever, ever, ever happened romantically with us. We just love each other. That's all I can say about that, ” Emma concluded.

Leah Campano is an Associate Editor at , where she covers pop culture, entertainment news, health, and politics. On the weekends, you can probably find her watching marathons of vintage


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Emma Watson Mit Tom Felton Zusammen? (harry Potter)

Dahmer Victims' Families Speak Out Against Emmys Check Out These New Photos from “Heartstopper” S2 49 of the Best TV Shows of 2023 18 Classic Horror Movies You Have to Watch ASAP

20 Hanukkah Movies That Will Light Up The Holiday Nathan Lane Won't Be in Only Murders Season 3 The “Bird Box Barcelona” Ending, Explained Bird Box Barcelona Monster: What We Know
