Emma Watson Heroes Wiki

Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Albus Dumbledore †, Rubeus Hagrid, Minerva McGonagall, Neville Longbottom, Fred Weasley †, George Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Alastor Mad-Eye Moody †, Remus Lupin †, Severus Snape †, Sirius Black †, Luna Lovegood, Cho Chang, Viktor Krum, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Bill Weasley, Filius Flitwick, Poppy Pomfrey, Pomona Sprout, Horace Slughorn, Dobby †, Kreacher, Winky, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, Crookshanks, Order of the Phoenix, Griphook † (formerly)

Voldemort †, Severus Snape † (formerly), Draco Malfoy (formerly), Bellatrix Lestrange †, Dolores Umbridge, Gregory Goyle, Vincent Crabbe, Lucius Malfoy (formerly), Narcissa Malfoy (formerly), Death Eaters, Rita Skeeter, Marietta Edgecombe, Argus Filch (formerly), Quirinus Quirrell †, Kreacher (formerly), Griphook, Goblins


Hermione Jean Granger is the tritagonist of Harry Potter franchise.. She appears in all seven books and all eight Harry Potter films.

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Hermione Jean Granger was born with magic on September 19, 1979 to Mr and Mrs Granger, a pair of Muggle parents who work as dentists. Without realizing she was a witch, Hermione sometimes sets off her magic. When she was eleven-going-on-twelve years old, in summer of 1991, Hermione receives an acceptance letter into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Though initially shocked, her parents are proud of Hermione. Before her first year along with her wand, Hermione read all about the history of Magic and her school and memorizes several spells.

During early developments of the novel, Hermione was always called Hermione Granger. The reason of choosing such an uncommon name as Hermione for the character is because, according to Rowling, she did not bear getting any child mocked because of sharing a name with an insufferable know-it-all such as Hermione to live off the shore of the island that the Potters lived, where Hermione's father would have found an infant Harry Potter.

At one point, Hermione was also going to have a Muggle sister but she was cut during the fifth book, The Order of the Phoenix.

List Of Harry Potter Cast Members

During an interview, it was revealed by JK Rowling that Hermione was given the name Jane as a middle name. However, she soon changed it to Jean because Rowling didn't want Hermione to

In her development in the films, Singer Katy B originally auditoned to play Hermione but was dismissed because she had not read the books and Charlotte Church was too old to play the part. So Emma Watson was cast instead. Emma Watson almost did not get the role because she refused to audition, unlike other girls at her school.


In the books, Hermione is described at having buck teeth before having them shrinked to a different size. She was intended to have buck teeh in the final version of the Philosopher's Stone. Emma Watson was going to wear the fake buck teeth. However, she could not be understood, so the buck teeth were removed altogether.

Black Panther (marvel)

Hermione is very intelligant and on the book smart side.Out of the three friends, she takes school the one who initially takes the most seriousness of education rather than her friends. For example, when she, Harry and Ron suddenly saved themselves from Fluffy the Three Headed Dog, she showed more concern that they could have been killed or worse, expelled. Ron pointed out that she should have gotten her priorities straight. However, as an eleven-year-old, Hermione showed a rebellious side, as she covered for Ron and Harry after they saved her from a vicious Troll. According to both Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, she is one of the brightest witches of her age. However, Snape says that she is an insufferable know-it-all, but she is actually very smart. Harry points out that she is the smartest witch to Horace Slughorn, who was impressed with Hermione.

Because of her efficiency, Hermione was known to read for recreation and for fun and did things on the side. Hermione was the first in the trio to master any spell and used them beyond her own educational level. Even though Harrywas well-versed in spells, he acknowledged Hermione as the best witch in their year.


Having been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Hermione buys her robes and her books, and begins reading on the history of the wizarding world. When they day comes to leave, Hermione meets and befriends Neville Longbottom, as she is seen trying to find his toad with him. They meet Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. She mocks Ron inability to perform a spell to make his rat yellow, instead, she performs the oculus spell on Harry to fix his broken glasses. Throughout the beginning of the school year, she annoys her fellow classmates with her knowledge, causing Harry and Ron to think Hermione is arrogant. Hermione overhears Harry and Ron talk about her, causing her to feel hurt.

List Of Heroes Characters

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Harry Potter (film series) Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

On the Hogwarts train, Hermione meets fellow first-year Neville Longbottom, who accidentally lost his toad, Trevor and goes to help him. In one compartment, she asks two boys if they have seen the toad that Neville lost. The red-haired boy denies this, however, Hermione notices that he is going to perform a spell on his pet rat and asks him to show her. The red-head starts to recite a spell his brother gave him, but after hearing it, Hermione notes that it is not a real spell. She decides to show them a charm she uses that repairs the one boy’s glasses. After seeing him, she recognizes the dark-haired boy as Harry Potter and introduces herself, and learns the Red-head's name is Ron Weasley. Before leaving, Hermione advises them to dress into their robes before they get to school and adds that Ron has dirt on his nose.


During the Sorting Hat Ceremony, Hermione is sorted into Gryffindor. On the first day of school, as Hermione is writing on her notebook, she hears the door open and sees that it is Ron and Harry running late. Hermione just shakes her head and then resumes writing in her notebook. She attempts to answer a question that Harry did not know, but Snape rebuffs her. At study hall, Hermione listens to Harry as he reads about an attempted burglary at Gringotts and tells it to Ron and Hermione. In their afternoon classes, Hermione is at Broom flying lessons, where she struggles to get her broom off the ground as it just flops around. However she is able to finally bring it up in her hand. After Neville flying his broom incidentally goes awry, Madam Hooch takes him to the hospital wing; there, when Draco takes advantage by taking Neville’s remembral and plans to put it on the roof. As Harry mounts his broom, Hermione begins telling him not to fly as the teacher instructed. However, he ignores her, earning Hermione to call him an idiot. However, this incident causes Harry to become a seeker, causing Hermione to look at one of the engravings in the hall and sees that Harry’s father, James, was a seeker.

Doctor Strange (marvel Cinematic Universe)

She later shows this to Harry and Ron, shocking both of the boys. As they are making their way through the staircases to Gryffindor Tower, they are suddenly taken to the third floor and remove themselves from the stairs before it moves again. Hermione realizes they are on the forbidden floor and all three go to leave but are cornered by Mrs Norris. They hurriedly run to avoid Mr Filch finding them, but find that they are stuck when they find a closed door locked. Hermione quickly uses her wand and uses the unlocking charm and they quickly close the doors. However, they realize that there is a three headed dog. Out of the only trio, Hermione sees a trapdoor. The three elven-year-olds quickly rush out of the room and to Gryffindor Tower. Hermione goes to her room, saying she is going to bed before Ron and Harry come up with a plan to get them killed, or worse in her case, expelled.

On Halloween, during one of their lessons, Hermione notes Ron struggling with the Levitation Spell. Ron coaxes Hermione to perform it. She is the only one in the class who successfully casts the levitation spell. As she is walking down the hallway, she hears Ron telling Harry, Neville, Dean and Seamus of how she is a nightmare and has no friends. Overhearing this, Hermione grows upset and spends the rest of the day in the girls' bathroom, much to Ron’s guilt. On Halloween Night, Hermione encounters a troll, but Ron and Harry later save her. Surprised by Hermione's sudden misbehavior, McGonagall deducts ten points from Gryffindor for her lack of judgement, but also awards five points to Ron and Harry each for saving Hermione and defeating a troll. This event makes the trio finally become friends. During their first quidditch match, Hermione supports Gryffindor's team, but she notices Snape apparently jinxing


Hermione is very intelligant and on the book smart side.Out of the three friends, she takes school the one who initially takes the most seriousness of education rather than her friends. For example, when she, Harry and Ron suddenly saved themselves from Fluffy the Three Headed Dog, she showed more concern that they could have been killed or worse, expelled. Ron pointed out that she should have gotten her priorities straight. However, as an eleven-year-old, Hermione showed a rebellious side, as she covered for Ron and Harry after they saved her from a vicious Troll. According to both Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, she is one of the brightest witches of her age. However, Snape says that she is an insufferable know-it-all, but she is actually very smart. Harry points out that she is the smartest witch to Horace Slughorn, who was impressed with Hermione.

Because of her efficiency, Hermione was known to read for recreation and for fun and did things on the side. Hermione was the first in the trio to master any spell and used them beyond her own educational level. Even though Harrywas well-versed in spells, he acknowledged Hermione as the best witch in their year.


Having been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Hermione buys her robes and her books, and begins reading on the history of the wizarding world. When they day comes to leave, Hermione meets and befriends Neville Longbottom, as she is seen trying to find his toad with him. They meet Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. She mocks Ron inability to perform a spell to make his rat yellow, instead, she performs the oculus spell on Harry to fix his broken glasses. Throughout the beginning of the school year, she annoys her fellow classmates with her knowledge, causing Harry and Ron to think Hermione is arrogant. Hermione overhears Harry and Ron talk about her, causing her to feel hurt.

List Of Heroes Characters

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Harry Potter (film series) Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

On the Hogwarts train, Hermione meets fellow first-year Neville Longbottom, who accidentally lost his toad, Trevor and goes to help him. In one compartment, she asks two boys if they have seen the toad that Neville lost. The red-haired boy denies this, however, Hermione notices that he is going to perform a spell on his pet rat and asks him to show her. The red-head starts to recite a spell his brother gave him, but after hearing it, Hermione notes that it is not a real spell. She decides to show them a charm she uses that repairs the one boy’s glasses. After seeing him, she recognizes the dark-haired boy as Harry Potter and introduces herself, and learns the Red-head's name is Ron Weasley. Before leaving, Hermione advises them to dress into their robes before they get to school and adds that Ron has dirt on his nose.


During the Sorting Hat Ceremony, Hermione is sorted into Gryffindor. On the first day of school, as Hermione is writing on her notebook, she hears the door open and sees that it is Ron and Harry running late. Hermione just shakes her head and then resumes writing in her notebook. She attempts to answer a question that Harry did not know, but Snape rebuffs her. At study hall, Hermione listens to Harry as he reads about an attempted burglary at Gringotts and tells it to Ron and Hermione. In their afternoon classes, Hermione is at Broom flying lessons, where she struggles to get her broom off the ground as it just flops around. However she is able to finally bring it up in her hand. After Neville flying his broom incidentally goes awry, Madam Hooch takes him to the hospital wing; there, when Draco takes advantage by taking Neville’s remembral and plans to put it on the roof. As Harry mounts his broom, Hermione begins telling him not to fly as the teacher instructed. However, he ignores her, earning Hermione to call him an idiot. However, this incident causes Harry to become a seeker, causing Hermione to look at one of the engravings in the hall and sees that Harry’s father, James, was a seeker.

Doctor Strange (marvel Cinematic Universe)

She later shows this to Harry and Ron, shocking both of the boys. As they are making their way through the staircases to Gryffindor Tower, they are suddenly taken to the third floor and remove themselves from the stairs before it moves again. Hermione realizes they are on the forbidden floor and all three go to leave but are cornered by Mrs Norris. They hurriedly run to avoid Mr Filch finding them, but find that they are stuck when they find a closed door locked. Hermione quickly uses her wand and uses the unlocking charm and they quickly close the doors. However, they realize that there is a three headed dog. Out of the only trio, Hermione sees a trapdoor. The three elven-year-olds quickly rush out of the room and to Gryffindor Tower. Hermione goes to her room, saying she is going to bed before Ron and Harry come up with a plan to get them killed, or worse in her case, expelled.

On Halloween, during one of their lessons, Hermione notes Ron struggling with the Levitation Spell. Ron coaxes Hermione to perform it. She is the only one in the class who successfully casts the levitation spell. As she is walking down the hallway, she hears Ron telling Harry, Neville, Dean and Seamus of how she is a nightmare and has no friends. Overhearing this, Hermione grows upset and spends the rest of the day in the girls' bathroom, much to Ron’s guilt. On Halloween Night, Hermione encounters a troll, but Ron and Harry later save her. Surprised by Hermione's sudden misbehavior, McGonagall deducts ten points from Gryffindor for her lack of judgement, but also awards five points to Ron and Harry each for saving Hermione and defeating a troll. This event makes the trio finally become friends. During their first quidditch match, Hermione supports Gryffindor's team, but she notices Snape apparently jinxing
