Emma Watson Unicef

UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson (centre) visits Mtakataka Secondary School in the District of Dedza where she hears from Stella Kalilombe and Cecilia Banda whose marriages were annulled and they returned to school.

Thanks to growing implementation of a law passed last year, child marriage may soon be a relic of Malawi’s past, and on the eve of the International Day of the Girl Child, UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson visited the country to celebrate the achievements of UN Women, the Malawian Government, local chiefs and girls who have returned to school after having their marriages annulled.


“Meeting with young girls, who like many in their country, are struggling with poverty and were pressured into early marriage, depriving them of their education in the process, made me realize just how important it is for women to be able to make their own choices, said Ms. Watson, adding: “It’s so encouraging to see how such a harmful practice can be stopped when communities work together to pass laws, and then turn those laws into reality.”

Emma Watson On Gender Equality And The Struggles Of Activism: Transcript

In 2015, Malawi passed the Marriage, Divorce and Family Relations Act, raising the minimum age of marriage to 18. Since then, UN Women has worked with partners and tribal chiefs to ensure that the law is implemented at a local level. Malawi’s President, Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika, who is an Impact Champion of the HeForShe Campaign, has appointed a special task force to see that the law is fully implemented within five years.

According to UN Women, Malawi has one of the highest rates of child marriage in the world: half of girls are married before the age of 18, usually because families are too poor to continue to support them. Moreover, teen pregnancies account for 20 to 30 per cent of maternal deaths, and a mere 45 per cent of girls continue their education beyond the 8th grade.

Excluding China, one-third of girls from developing countries are married before the age of 18, ending their childhood and right to education. Early marriage practices also expose girls to physical and sexual abuse as well as early pregnancies before they are emotionally or physically ready to care for a child.

What No One Tells You About Emma Watson Un Goodwill Ambassador

UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson and Senior Chief Inkosi Kachindamoto (centre) are welcomed by the girls at Mtakataka Secondary School in the District of Dedza where she hears from girls whose child marriages have been annulled and they returned to school. Photo: UN Women/Karin Schermbrucker

Malawi’s law is the result of 12 years of effort, including cooperation between UN Women and local community chiefs. Around the world, UN Women advocates for the adoption and implementation of laws that prohibit and prevent child marriage. It empowers girls and women to know their rights, and rallies communities to help bring an end to the practice.

Ms. Watson’s visit brings to light the work of these communities and their international partners. In Dedza, a district in Central Malawi, she met with Chief Kachindamoto, a prominent leader in the fight to end child marriage whose efforts have earned her the nickname ‘The Terminator, ’ thanks to her tireless efforts.

Emma Watson Speech For Heforshe Speech #heforshe Impact 10x10x10 Program At World Economic Forum 2015

Ms. Watson praised Chief Kachindamoto, who “has implemented the annulment of so many child marriages and restored the future of these girls. With the help and collaboration of her local chiefs, mothers’ group and religious leaders, she has managed to annul almost 1, 500 child marriages, sending the girls back to school. Because of bold and brave leadership like this, things may start to change. It was amazing to be on the ground with UN Women to witness their work!”


This work is essential to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As UN Country Representative Clara Anyangwe explains, “progress is not possible without investing in women and girls. They are our future and constitute half of any society’s promise and resources.” UN Women’s Planet 50-50 by 2030 calls upon governments to empower women and girls to reach their full potential by making national commitments such as the one in Malawi that Ms. Anyangwe calls “a top priority for change.”

The UN marks the International Day of the Girl Child annually on 11 October. This year’s theme is ‘Girls’ Progress = Goals' Progress: What Counts for Girls, ’ and urges stakeholders to take the opportunity provided by the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs to harness the data required to ensure programmes, policies and services effectively respond to the specific needs of girls.

Emma Watson: Pink Dog Isn't Mine

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Nearly half of the world's child brides in 2050 will be African, if current trends persist, due to the continent's rapid population growth and lagging social reforms, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has warned, calling for sharper focus on reaching the poorest and most marginalized girls with quality education and a host of other protective services.Born in Paris, France on April 15, 1990 and as a child she was raised in England. She most well known for her acting in such films as beauty and the beast and the famous Harry Potter series. After being in the film industry for some time she took a break and went back to school and she studied at Brown university and got a degree in English.


She became a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador on July 2014 and that same year she presented the program Heforshe for gender equality. Here is a quote from the speech where she makes a point about doing this program

Mit Nur 24 Jahren Wird Schauspielerin Emma Watson Un Sonderbotschafterin Für Die Gleichberechtigung Von Frauen Und Männern.

Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive. Both men and women should feel free to be strong… It is time that we all perceive gender on a spectrum not as two opposing sets of ideals.

If we stop defining each other by what we are not and start defining ourselves by what we are—we can all be freer and this is what HeForShe is about. It’s about freedom.(UN Women) 

Emma created an online feminist book club and there is currently a total of 205182 people who are apart of the book club. Each month they present a book to read for that month and questions for the discussions and everybody is able to state their own opinion and response on the book they read that month. A women in England created a concept inspired Emma to place books hidden all around the London tube for people to read on their ride on the train and she did the same thing in the New York City subway and the goal is for people to love reading again.


What Do You Think Of Emma Watson's Un Speech?

Others were criticizing her for one of the photos she took in the Vanity Fair shoot. She was surprised that people were making a big deal about the photo and she said “It just always reveals to me how many misconceptions and what a misunderstanding there is about what feminism is, ” she continued. “Feminism is about giving women choice. Feminism is not a stick with which to beat other women with. It’s about freedom, it’s about liberation, it’s about equality. I really don’t know what my tits have to do with it. It’s very confusing.”(Washington post).If you're wondering what superhero Emma Watson has been doing since her HeForShe speech at the United Nations last fall, let me just assure you, it doesn't involve slinking back into her Bat Cave being doted on by Alfred. No, no. She has been working for her cause, fully committed to spreading the word and making legitimate changes. This includes her HeForShe IMPACT 10x10x10 initiative, the next natural step in of the HeForShe movement, which Watson put forth on Friday at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland. While there, she also documented just how far HeForShe has come since being launched.

But her speech wasn't just about lauding accomplishments or pats on the back. Watson is clearly, selflessly committed to making the world a better place for women. She announced what the plans are for IMPACT 10x10x10 initiative, and they're nothing short of amazing. As The Daily Mail explains,

[IMPACT 10x10x10 is] a one-year pilot effort that aims to engage governments, corporations and universities as instruments of change positioned within some of the communities that most need to address deficiencies in women's empowerment and gender equality, and that have the greatest capacity to make and influence those changes.

Emma Watson's He For She Un Speech On Gender Inequality |

And, she also talked about ways everyone can help, citing that everything is valid, meaning, whatever means you take or noise you make is worth it. Watson broke it down into these easy steps:


Watson says that she and her HeForShe colleagues, want to, Support, guide, and reinforce your efforts. Proving that HeForShe isn't a flash in the pan or a trend or a ploy for publicity. She's invested in the cause and she needs us to be, too.

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Emma Watson Un Goodwill Ambassador